Haunted by his grim past, a priest must confront the supernatural abilities of his brother.watch the film ⟶password: love

Haunted by his grim past, a priest must confront the supernatural abilities of his brother.

watch the film ⟶

password: Brothers


©2017 New Hamsterdam Hollywood

Meet the cast & crew.



Director | Liam Walsh

Writer | Sean Walsh

Producer | Jamie McNeill & Brandon Marsh


Michael | Caesar James

Quentin | Timothy Haug

Young Michael | Pierson Carlsen


Watch the film.

Misère is now available to the public. To watch the film on Vimeo, please click the link and input the password “love.”

watch the film ⟶

password: Brothers

My own brother…

Coming to kill me.

Take a closer look with these production stills.


Saurian Shudder (2018)